Philosophy of Edcuation


I believe in…

All students as learners

I believe that all students are an educational opportunity. That is, all students have the ability and willingness to learn. As a teacher, I acknowledge and address multiple intelligences in the classroom, and tailor my lessons to meet the individual needs of my students. Furthermore, I believe in high quality education and maintaining high expectations for achievement in all students.

Constructivist learning

I believe that students learn best through hands-on exploration. I think students should be given the opportunity to synthesize their own knowledge. In constructivist learning, students become active participants in the classroom, rather than passive observers. Students can delve into materials, and take responsibility for their own learning.

Proactive classroom management

Off task behaviors are often caused by boredom or frustration. I believe that engaging students in developmentally appropriate and meaningful tasks is the first step to effectively managing a classroom.  Differentiating instructions to meet the individual needs of all students alleviates the need for discipline.  Furthermore, I believe in Responsive Classroom techniques, which clearly define all expectations of students and the logical consequences that follow.

Lifelong learning

I believe that teachers need to value their role as lifelong learners. As a teacher, I strive to serve as a role model for my students by keeping current, and collecting new ideas to build my pedagogical knowledge. By attending professional development workshops and collaborating with veteran teachers, I hope to become a good example of a lifelong learner for my students. Furthermore, trough daily reflections and student feedback, I aim to continue to hone my teaching practices on a daily basis.